Explore how the Institute of Reading Development’s Reading Skills and Tutoring programs align with key funding sources to deliver improved academic outcomes for every student.
Title I
The purpose of this title is to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps.
The Institute’s Reading Skills and Tutoring Programs (RST) assess key areas of literacy growth for all students. In addition, recognized foundational reading skills such as phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, reading rates, reading stamina, the Institute’s programs also measure soft skill sets such as attendance, engagement, and time on task to be sure no students fail to succeed.
Family engagement, school site engagement and student engagement are also important ways to improve student participation, attendance and level of success. Parents, caregivers and school sites are regularly updated and have access to real-time student performance information. Additionally, the curriculum and materials are carefully vetted to ensure that students make real connections to the stories and support materials.
The Institute also provides opportunities to elevate the quality of the teachers and staff at any given school site. Professional development opportunities, overseen by the Director of Instruction, offer relevant and actionable strategies that can be immediately implemented into classroom and after school settings.

Title II
The purpose of this title is to provide grants to State educational agencies and subgrants to local educational agencies to: (1) increase student achievement consistent with the challenging State academic standards; (2) improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders; (3)increase the number of teachers, principals, and other who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and (4) provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.

The Institute of Reading Development is a collaborative learning resource that enhances and strengthens the impact of teaching moments in today’s dynamic and changing classroom environment. Our professional programs boost staff experiences and student outcomes by employing innovative strategies that can be immediately implemented into instructional settings.
The Institute of Reading Development has a 55-year history as a nationwide provider of reading and literacy enrichment for pre-K through 12th grades. In that time, we trained and supported thousands of literacy instructors in the fundamentals of effective reading instruction. Our research-based best practices and innovative strategies help every teacher and staff member become a stronger instructor by successfully navigating the complexities of effective literacy instruction.
Professional Development programs, offered by the Institute of Reading Development are designed to equip your teachers and staff with the latest research-based strategies in student engagement, phonemic awareness, sight word development, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and skill set development. Research confirms that investing in ongoing and evidence-based professional development will empower instructors at every level to provide the highest quality of reading instruction for their students.
Title III
The overarching purpose of this title program is to ensure that English learner (EL) students, including immigrant children and youth, attain English language proficiency (ELP) and meet the same challenging state academic standards that other students are expected to meet.
The institute of reading development’s focus on foundational reading skills such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary development and reading comprehension are essential for building English proficiency. The Institute’s programs are grounded in the Science of Reading and utilize research based best practices to ensure students receive appropriate literacy instruction.
Students have access to one-on-one support to provide the individualized instruction necessary for academic success. Assessment and progress monitoring are also key elements to support sustainable student growth in literacy and language acquisition.

Title IV
The purpose of Title IV, Part A funds is to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and local communities to:
Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
Improve school conditions for student learning; and
Improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

In partnership with leading colleges and universities throughout the United States, the Institute of Reading Development provides safe, secure and flexible programming to ensure that all students have access to Reading programs grounded in the Science of Reading and incorporating research based best practices. Programs can be implemented from school sites, after school programs or done remotely with all programs utilizing live, highly trained instructors, vetted curriculum and inclusive materials.
Title V Rural Education Initiative
The purpose of this title program is to help rural districts that may lack the personnel and resources to compete effectively for Federal competitive grants and that often receive grant allocations in amounts that are too small to be effective in meeting their intended purposes.
As a nationwide leader in reading instruction, the Institute of Reading Development is uniquely qualified to serve rural and small school districts. Our reading programs can be tailored to fit the unique circumstances of any school district or after school program.
Program elements such as live online instruction, highly trained instructors, program monitoring, ongoing engagement and program supports enable rural and small districts to provide exceptional programs that improve academic outcomes for all students.

State / Other Funding Sources
States provide grants to achieve statewide educational goals and initiatives.
The Institute of Reading Development supports statewide literacy initiatives with research-based programs focused on phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Grounded in the Science of Reading, we provide individualized instruction through one-on-one support, assessment tools, and progress tracking. Inclusive materials and a carefully vetted curriculum foster engagement and ensure no student is left behind.